16 C
Saturday, September 28, 2024


In order to reach the audience you need, here we offer ad spaces, article or story placements.
You can either choose a package, or separate spots for ad placements. Choose whatever option suits you and let us know using Ad Space Booking Form below!


Best Option

Package A

USD 295 /month
Appears on the header of all pages and at two different spots on homepage.
  • Leaderboard (Desktop)
  • Leaderboard (Mobile)
  • Homepage middle
  • Homepage bottom

Package B

USD 235 /month
Appears on the top of the sidebar on all pages and on mobile homepage.
  • Homepage Sidebar Top
  • Post Sidebar Top
  • Medium Rectangle (Mobile)

Package C

USD 175 /month
Appears in the middle of the homepage sidebar and at the bottom of post sidebar.
  • Homepage Sidebar Middle
  • Post Sidebar Bottom

Package D

USD 115 /month
Appears at the bottom of the homepage sidebar and on the mobile homepage.
  • Homepage Sidebar Bottom
  • Medium Rectangle (Mobile)



USD 100 /month
Appears on the header of all pages.
  • Leaderboard

Homepage Sidebar Top

USD 75 /month
Appears on the top of the homepage sidebar.
  • Medium Rectangle Top

Homepage Sidebar Middle

USD 50 /month
Appears in the middle of the homepage sidebar.
  • Medium Rectangle Middle

Homepage Sidebar Bottom

USD 25 /month
Appears at the bottom of the homepage sidebar.
  • Medium Rectangle Bottom

Post Sidebar Top

USD 75 /month
Appears on the top of the post sidebar.
  • Post Sidebar Top

Post Sidebar Bottom

USD 50 /month
Appears at the bottom of the post sidebar.
  • Post Sidebar Bottom

Article Placement

USD 60 /month
All articles must be relevant to the website's content.
  • Article

Story Placement

Stories must b relevant to the website's content.
  • Stories

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